Interested in Mobile Applications? Check out the CodeAndroid User and Developer Group

Thursday, September 10, 2009 | 3:47 PM

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Reposted from the Solutions for SE Asia blog.

CodeAndroid is the Android Developer group for Singapore, a grassroot developer initiative to promote Android development locally as well as provide network and resources for everyone to benefit from it. Android is an open source operating system for mobile and embedded devices that is developed by the Open Handset Alliance, with the vision to create an open platform for device manufacturers, telcos and developers to foster innovation and speed up the creation of software to meet mobile users' needs. Since its formation in February 2009, CodeAndroid has organized four meet ups and gathered over 50 developers and users for each session, for developers to share their Android experience.

We also welcome non-developers who are interested in learning more about the Android platform and want to pick up basic concepts for development. Please feel free to also attend and network if you are a marketer or business owner looking for people to help you build your Android applications.

Looking forward, CodeAndroid is looking to help other cities around the region to setup CodeAndroid meetups, so as to build an Asia Pacific network of Android developers, to share resources and contacts. Even if you are from outside Singapore, and want to make a contribution to the Android community, feel free to contact us at!

Check out the Singapore Application Directory for the list of Singapore-developed Android applications. You can also find them in Android Market, accessible via your Android-powered phone like the recently launched HTC Hero.

To keep informed of CodeAndroid happenings, or you wish to contribute to the community, you can follow us via:

CodeAndroid Website:

Facebook group:

Facebook fan page:


Google Groups:

IRC Channel (come and chat with us!): #codeandroid on (server)

Alternatively you can also download the CodeAndroid widget on your Android phone: Click here on your Android phone to install or search for "CodeAndroid" in Android market.

Mark the date, the next meetup will be on the 26th of September, 2pm at Google Singapore office (we will post up the event post very soon). Stay tuned to our group fan page as we are bringing a web conference call with the folks of Wikitude!

Photos and the slides from our last meetup are below. We would love to see you at our next meetup.


Guest Post From Zi Yong Chua, CodeAndroid